Proof of Covid vaccination status
If you need to show proof of your Covid vaccination status when travelling abroad, you can access your Covid vaccination status in the following ways:
Via the NHS App:
You can access your Covid vaccination status through the free NHS App. The App is free to download to your smartphone or tablet.
By calling 119:
If you do not have a smartphone or tablet you can call the NHS helpline on 119 and ask for a letter to be posted to you. You will need to wait at least 5 days from the date of your second vaccine before calling, and it will take up to 5 working days for the letter to reach you.
The letter will automatically be sent to the address on your GP record – the 119 call handler will not be able to see your address to check this with you. If you have recently moved house, please make sure you have updated your address details with your Surgery before calling.
This is the only way to obtain proof of your vaccinations. We are unable to provide patients with letters for this.
Further information can be found on the GOV.UK Website:
Thank you.
Travel vaccinations
If you are planning to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world. In the UK, the childhood vaccination programme protects you against a number of diseases, but doesn’t cover most of the infectious diseases found overseas.
Which jabs do I need?
You can find out which vaccinations are necessary or recommended for the area you are visiting on the following websites:
NHS Fit for Travel –
Travel Health Pro –
Where do I get my jabs?
You should get advice at least six weeks before you are due to travel, as some vaccinations need to be given well in advance.
Currently the wait for a travel appointment is a minimum of 2 weeks. If you plan to travel in less than 6 weeks, then we will be unable to provide you with your vaccinations and you should contact a local Travel Clinic who may be able to offer you an appointment within a shorter time frame.
At the Surgery we only offer the following vaccinations in line with NHS guidance, which are free of charge:
- Diphtheria, Polio & Tetanus (combined booster)
- Hepatitis A
- Typhoid
Please Note: These are the only travel vaccinations we provide. If you need Hepatitis B, Japanese Encephalitis, Malaria, Meningitis, Rabies, Tuberculosis or Yellow Fever, you will need to visit a private travel clinic and pay for these vaccinations. Details of local private clinics can be found further down the page.
Speak to a GP before having vaccinations if
You are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is unlikely a vaccine given whilst pregnant or breastfeeding will cause problems for the baby, but your GP will be able to advise.
You have a condition which affects your immune system , are receiving chemotherapy, or if you have recently had a bone marrow or organ transplant. In some cases vaccination may not be advised. Your GP will be able to advise.
How do I get my jabs?
Please contact Reception on 01594 542270 to book an initial telephone appointment with our Practice Nurse. The Nurse will call you at that time to discuss your travel plans and to advise which vaccinations you will need, and will book you a face to face appointment here at the Surgery to receive your jabs. Please note that the vaccines will be ordered especially for you and can take up to two weeks to be delivered.
Please note the following
- We are only able to offer those vaccinations as listed. If you need any other vaccinations it is your responsibility to arrange these with one of the local private clinics listed below.
- You must allow at least six weeks before your date of travel.
- The vaccines will be ordered especially for you following your initial telephone appointment with the Nurse.
- Whilst these vaccinations are offered free of charge to patients on the NHS, the cost of receiving these privately is in the region of £200.00. If you do not attend for your booked travel appointment we regret we will be unable to offer you a further appointment and you will need to contact another clinic to receive and pay for your vaccinations.
If you require a print out of your vaccination history to take to any travel clinic appointment please ask a member of the Reception Staff who will be happy to provide you with this.
Whilst you are abroad
Please be aware that when you are travelling abroad, we will not be able to:
- Provide you with any medical advice by telephone, e-mail, or via our website.
- Provide an electric transfer prescription should you run out of medication.
- Source a doctor or medical assistance.
- Ensure there are suitable medication supplies at your intended destination.
If you need medical assistance whilst on holiday you should seek this locally.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have enough medication to cover the duration of your trip, and that you have adequate travel insurance in place.