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Travel risk assessment

Use this service to arrange travel vaccinations and get advice for your upcoming trip abroad.

To help the travel nurses to assess your needs, it is important that you fill out this form before your appointment.

Please see our Travel Advice page for more information.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

GP letters for travel cancellation

In line with guidance from the British Medical Association, we regret to advise that we are unable to provide GP letters or complete travel cancellation forms for those patients with pre-arranged holiday plans who choose not to travel but are not unwell.

Insurers and travel companies should be basing their decision to offer refunds on advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Public Health England.

Patients will no doubt have good and sensible reasons for not wanting to travel to certain places because of COVID-19, but this is not the same as being unable to travel due to existing illness.

Documentation will be provided for those patients who are unable to travel due to genuine illness.

You can use this service if you:

  • are registered at the surgery

Before you start

We’ll ask you for:

  • your first and last name, date of birth, sex, postcode, email and phone number
  • if applicable, the details of the person you are completing the form on behalf of
Start now

You can also phone us on 01594 542270.