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Travel risk assessment

Travel Risk Assessment

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Who are you completing this form for?
For example, on behalf of a child or dependent
What is your name?
What is your date of birth?
For example, 31 3 1980
What is your sex?
As recorded on your medical record
The one used to register with your GP
Anyone else with access to your email account may see responses sent to you
Please use this date format: DD/MM/YYYY
Please use this date format: DD/MM/YYYY
Holiday type:
Type of trip:
Staying in area which is:
Planned activities:
Including diabetes, heart or lung conditions
Have you ever had a serious reaction to a vaccine given to you before?
Does having an injection make you feel faint?
Do you or any close family members have epilepsy?
Do you have any history or mental illness including depression or anxiety?
Have you recently undergone radiotherapy, chemotherapy or steroid treatment?
Have you taken out travel insurance and if you have a medical condition, informed the insurance company about this?
Have you ever had any of the following vaccinations / malaria tablets?