Appointment Waiting Times

We would like to explain the position the Practice is in and why appointment availability is, at times, challenging at the moment.

The pressures on the NHS are widely reported. For all GP practices, the pressures include rising costs, increasing patient demand and staff shortages. Despite these pressures, we have managed to provide more appointments; indeed, in Gloucestershire, GP surgeries are providing over 25% more appointments than before the Covid pandemic. The difficulty is that demand has increased even more.

We are working hard to determine the best way to deliver services to patients given the current difficulties. Like all GP practices we prioritise urgent conditions.

Additionally, we aim to ensure that our patients are seen by the most suitable clinician to support their needs. To achieve this our care navigation team are following a GP protocol that diverts patients to other providers such as pharmacists, opticians, or physiotherapists where appropriate, and if external referral is not appropriate, the protocol ensures they are seen by the most appropriate member of our practice team.

We appreciate that the current situation can cause frustration, and wanted to explain why appointment waiting times are as they are. We assure you that we are doing all we can to ensure maximum efficiency and appointment availability.

On behalf of the entire Practice team, we would like to thank our patients, for your understanding and support in these exceptionally challenging times.